Review on Prolific Kitchen Tupperware for weightloss

By now a majority of the population has already heard about Beachbody, and its weight loss program involving Shakeology and colored Tupperware.

Prolific Kitchen Portion Control Containers Set for Weight Loss (7 Pcs)- Bpa-free, Leaf-proof, Multi-color Lids (Guide Included)

This prolific kitchen weight loss pack you are buying comes with the exact same sized containers as that of the competition. There is virtually no difference in colors, sizes or quality. This pack also comes with what could be described as a summarized pamphlet of the competition as well. Although the pamphlet isn’t as diverse in foods and does contain a typo/spacing error, it’s still great. You take your body weight, and do some simple math provided right there on the front two pages, to find your calorie intake, and food portions needed, and is incredibly simple and easy to use. Although it doesn’t come with recipes, you can find hundreds online just by searching for them. I have had these containers in my possession for a week now, and have had my husband put on them as a form of weight-loss/ portion control. He is down 2lbs since the first day (despite his lack of self-control and his constant cheats to the diet.) I thoroughly love how easy these containers are to use and wash, since I’ve had to use them multiple times daily for the past week. They have been everywhere from the microwave, to the dishwasher and freezer and held up just as well as a great quality Tupperware piece would. They have not gotten any stains or shown any wear to them either. I would suggest buying more than one pack so that you can have an easier time meal planning and prepping instead of constantly rinsing and washing the same piece over and over again. OR you can just use your own measuring cups from home, since the pamphlet also gives you the correct measuring cup correspondence.
I included a picture of items resting in the containers, a picture of them once cooked into a healthy portioned omelet, and a picture of an entire days’ worth of food according to the colored containers calorie chart (provided in the pamphlet.) There is one more orange container than should be, but since I meal prep 2-3 days at a time, I roll over any unused containers into another day, and this extra orange is one that will be missing the day after.

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