Stainless Steel Measuring Set Review

Anyone else ever take the plunge on something that they know they can buy a cheaper alternative for? ..yeah I’ve been slowly upgrading my possessions because I realized buying multiple sets of cheaper alternatives, isn’t cheaper than just buying the more expensive one-the one that is built to last. it was about time that I upgraded my kitchen measuring cups and spoons, my garbage disposals seem to eat the plastic ones leaving me with uneven sets.

The cups all have little pour spouts on either side making it easier for measuring liquids and also having powdered stuff such as flour fall nicely into the bowl. They are level and sturdy and easy to clean as well.

I know these will last much longer and I look at them as an investment, instead of buying multiple plastic sets a year (at least 2 per year for as long as I can remember) these should last me so much longer than any of those, in fact I’m hopeful that they can last a lifetime if possible.

I especially love how easy they are to clean though, shortening and oils always left my plastic sets feeling greasy even after I cleaned, but these feel as good as new after every wash. I love how they have held up so far!


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