Dollar Tree Makeover

Dollar Tree-

Seriously one of the greatest stores around, everything is $1. And while yes, some stuff is made cheaply, there is actually some stuff of real quality in there, and a time goes on and the store become more popular, the item quality has been getting noticeably better as well. Every year it’s like they “step up their game” and bring a new level of awesome.

I really enjoy buying my cheap holiday and seasonal décor from there, for #1- it’s cheap and replaceable if it has an accident. And #2- I can spend $20 and have a fully decorated beautiful home without guilt of overspending.

This past week I went ahead and made a trip to DT, and grabbed some items to spruce up my home in celebration of Valentine’s Day next month.


Small burlap rustic looking Love signs are simply adorable and had to be bought- no self-control here.

The heart shaped black board- Instantly wanted it for my menu board on the fridge.


Colored construction paper provided an hour of fun with my kid making paper chains for the living room windows.

coffee bar

Holiday themed Coffee Mugs for my small coffee bar. (Only the 4 in the center were from DT, the other 2 were holiday clearance last year at Walmart.) But don’t they just look adorable? They really brighten up the whole area with color.

contac paper

Contact paper- a giant elf adhesive ticker that can safely be removed without damage to the item underneath. Often used for renters to give homes a cheap makeover.

contact paper2

I contact paper lined my fridge, and I am so happy that I did. It just looks so much cleaner and pretty that I find myself opening the fridge more-not good on the house heating bills this way lol. I got this much of my fridge done for only $2 and had contact paper leftover! *Just please ignore the messy appearance of my fridge door-It has a mind of its own.

I did hold myself back from buying the giant heart felt fabric placemats, because had I bought those, I would have gotten a minimum of 10, to sew together into a table runner. And with other items in my cart I was already close to my $20 spending limit I set myself.

16 thoughts on “Dollar Tree Makeover

  1. I love stores like that. I honestly dont know why so many people are hesitant. you find the same products you’d find in other stores for a fraction of the price.


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